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Milton Keynes duty station manager Harley Hilton with representatives of veterans organisations at Milton Keynes Central
Milton Keynes duty station manager Harley Hilton with representatives of veterans organisations at Milton Keynes Central

Press release -

Remembrance: London Northwestern Railway helps Milton Keynes veterans pay respects

London Northwestern Railway (LNR) partnered with military veterans in Milton Keynes to pay respects at a London ceremony today.

As part of the “Routes of Remembrance” initiative, LNR transported two wreaths to London on behalf of ARC MK – a service which helps people break a cycle of substance addiction. ARC MK were supported by the Veterans Community Network and military legal firm Pury Erskine.

The wreaths were transported on board an LNR service from Milton Keynes Central to London Euston this morning (Friday 11 November). They were laid at a memorial In London ahead of the national two-minute silence at 11am. Veterans Michael Potter, David Jones and Paul Dunkley handed the wreaths over to the LNR station team at Milton Keynes who transported them to London.

The “Routes of Remembrance” initiative was established by The Veterans Charity in the south west of England in 2020 to help veterans who were unable to travel to London to take part in national ceremonies due to the coronavirus pandemic. The scheme has since been rolled out nationally, including at Milton Keynes.

Jonny Wiseman, LNR customer experience director, said:

“We are delighted to support veterans and assist in helping them pay tribute on Remembrance Day.

“It was our pleasure to transport two wreaths from Milton Keynes to Euston ahead of the remembrance ceremony at the station. We are honoured to support the Routes of Remembrance scheme across our railway network.”




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